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Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It is hard for many of us to imagine something like a “catastrophe” or a significant life changing event happening to us. But it will…at some point… and of course the significance of that event and impact can be based on whatever meaning you give it. Is it easy for you to imagine that something “bad” can be turned into something “good”? Imagine for a moment losing every single possession you own in a housefire or a tornado or tsunami. One of the most precious lessons to gain from these type of life altering events is about identifying with material possessions. It is no surprise that this is what and how many of us identify or define ourselves by in today’s times. But material items never have and never will define who you truly are. Sure these things can provide “temporary” happiness, but never to the extent of anything deep or lasting.

So many people try to hold on to material possessions and the sentimentality that comes with them, as if that is all they were. The threat of these items disappearing brings them great discomfort. Many people act like they lost a part of themselves, they are distraught, lost, confused and almost as if in a state of mourning. I have been in this position just by a mere threat of losing something physically important to me on my being. Recently, I began to undergo chemotheraphy for Hodgkins Lymphoma. I know this may seem silly to those reading this but the ONLY thing I could think about was losing my hair. I was not thinking about losing my life and leaving my only child without a mother or losing my friends and family. It seems so silly now just putting it on paper. All I could think about was how at the age of 43 I would lose my long hair that I worked tirelessly to grow out and maintain. So far…I still have my hair with one cycle of treatment under my belt.

I know intuitively that it is not the end of the world, not even close and I am working…with the help of my friends to live in the present and enjoy what I have NOW and it is helping me to live a very satisfied, peaceful and fulfilled existence. It is great that my hair is still attached semi-firmly to my head, but I will be no less if it is not. Further, I have decided if it does start to fall to the floor that I will take the opportunity to use the shedding process to raise money for the Girls Education Program at Room to Read which provides an education for girls in developing countries. TURN SOMETHING BAD INTO SOMETHING GOOD!!

I believe that the experiences and memories we choose to make are always and will always be with us for as long as we choose and no object in the world through its presence or absence changes that one bit. Your memories are no less and you are no less, regardless of an object’s absence or presence. Many times, it is upon “losing” something material or physical that we held dear, that we are presented with an amazing opportunity for growth. An equally important lesson in this is that we hold the power to give a situation meaning. The situation does not have power over us, unless of course we let it.

From a spiritual perspective it is no surprise to me that Jesus called Himself the light of the world. Without the light, there is nothing to be seen. He also called Himself the Truth. Recognizing the truth in life, in a world that seems to be governed by what my pastor called the “kingdom of thingdom.” For many people it's just too simple. They live by the rule, "Why make it easy, if you can make it complicated?"

Other than the fear of losing my “stupid hair” I really have had no fear over losing my life because I believe that God is not "out there." He's right here, and He's been there all the time, endlessly giving me signs of His Presence, of His tender love and care, which I sometimes stubbornly ignore in my moments of feeling down. But I eventually come out of the dark and then everything begins to make sense. Even when life lately seems to be in total chaos suddenly it can obtain meaning... and I know what I'm talking about.

During this season, God has gently prompted me to remove whether its temporary or permanent certain relationships in my life that meant a great deal to me but surrounded me with negativity and sometimes anger. But, at the very same time when I have needed it most he has introduced AMAZING relationships into my life that have brought me emotions of trust, love, laughter and clarity. These individuals have seen me at my lowest and not judged me. They have spoken truth to me and let me know that it is ok to be upset, sick, sad, momentarily crazy (I say with laughter). But most importantly they have demanded that I receive from them their love and help. It is in these moments that I know that not only is there a God but that he loves me. I believe that there is meaning to everything. All the things we constantly take for granted as meaningless coincidences, every acquaintance, every event, every little and however apparently trivial encounter and experience bears a meaning and a message for us, if we care to see it.

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